sábado, 20 de marzo de 2021



Policeman: How long have you been planning the robbery?

Suspicious person: I haven´t planied any robbery. I was working in my workshop.

Policeman: According to the GPS of your phone, you were in the area of the robbery.

Supicious person: Yes, I was in the area. I bought some sneakers at the sports store around the corner.

Policeman: We found your fingerprints in the bank. Tell me the truth.

Sospicious person: You´re right, I was at the bank, but I went to get my new credit card.

Policeman: Were you using the credit card for your purchases?

Sospicious person: Have you checked with my card statement?

Policeman: No, you are going to have to stay at police station, until we check.


 From 1st January , 2021, the United Kingdom definitely doesn´t belong to the European Union. I have heard for years that the UK was going to leave the European Union but I believed it would never come true.

The truth is that United Kingdom has never fully followed the laws of the European Union, for example they continued with their currency and didn´t accept the euro.

From my point of view, I think it doesn´t benefit them to be outside the European Union because it isn´t the same to face the problems that may have as a nation alone than to face them with the support of all the nations of the European Union. I am hopeful that at some point the will be part of Europe again.


 The year 2021 didn´t start well, we all believed that it would start better. But in January in Madrid there was the biggest snowfall in its history. The city was completely paralyzed, in the news I saw that neither the road nor the street could be seen, only a large white blanket that stretched through the city could be seen. One of the images that surprised me the most was that a nurse walked fifteen kilometres through the snow to get to her hospital to work. 

I don´t understand how this happened when meteorologists had been telling us what was going to happen for a week. I think they didn´t  do things well because the city was still in chaos after several weeks.

domingo, 14 de marzo de 2021


Expert recommend sleeping a minimum of eight hours. This would be ideal but it isn´t always the case. Older people like my grandfather usually sleep about five or six hours a day and usually get up very early. Then there are the babies who usually sleep twelve hours, my grandmother always says that babies grow while they sleep.

In my case, I usually sleep eight hours during the week, although when I have exams it is  difficult to sleep because of the nerves. But at the weekend I can sleep up to twelve hours. My mother always says I´m a sleepy


 Since this month wolf hunting has been banned in Spain, which seems like good news, but not everyone agrees.

Environmentalist have been fighting for a long time to stop hunting the wolf in the peninsula. As I have read, the presence of the wolf is of vital importance because they say that it is key to Iberian biodiversity.

But this isn´t the case for ranchers. They think that all this works against them because if the wolf population cannot be controlled they will receive more attacks on their livestock.

I belive they should not hunt them so that the enviroment is balanced. But I also understand ranchers who invest time and money in their livestock.